21 research outputs found

    D-Bees: A Novel Method Inspired by Bee Colony Optimization for Solving Word Sense Disambiguation

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    Word sense disambiguation (WSD) is a problem in the field of computational linguistics given as finding the intended sense of a word (or a set of words) when it is activated within a certain context. WSD was recently addressed as a combinatorial optimization problem in which the goal is to find a sequence of senses that maximize the semantic relatedness among the target words. In this article, a novel algorithm for solving the WSD problem called D-Bees is proposed which is inspired by bee colony optimization (BCO)where artificial bee agents collaborate to solve the problem. The D-Bees algorithm is evaluated on a standard dataset (SemEval 2007 coarse-grained English all-words task corpus)and is compared to simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, and two ant colony optimization techniques (ACO). It will be observed that the BCO and ACO approaches are on par

    WikiDoMiner: Wikipedia Domain-Specific Miner

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    We introduce WikiDoMiner -- a tool for automatically generating domain-specific corpora by crawling Wikipedia. WikiDoMiner helps requirements engineers create an external knowledge resource that is specific to the underlying domain of a given requirements specification (RS). Being able to build such a resource is important since domain-specific datasets are scarce. WikiDoMiner generates a corpus by first extracting a set of domain-specific keywords from a given RS, and then querying Wikipedia for these keywords. The output of WikiDoMiner is a set of Wikipedia articles relevant to the domain of the input RS. Mining Wikipedia for domain-specific knowledge can be beneficial for multiple requirements engineering tasks, e.g., ambiguity handling, requirements classification, and question answering. WikiDoMiner is publicly available on Zenodo under an open-source license (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6672682

    COREQQA: A COmpliance REQuirements Understanding using Question Answering Tool

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    We introduce COREQQA, a tool for assisting requirements engineers in acquiring a better understanding of compliance requirements by means of automated Question Answering. Extracting compliance-related requirements by manually navigating through a legal document is both time-consuming and error-prone. COREQQA enables requirements engineers to pose questions in natural language about a compliance-related topic given some legal document, e.g., asking about data breach. The tool then automatically navigates through the legal document and returns to the requirements engineer a list of text passages containing the possible answers to the input question. For better readability, the tool also highlights the likely answers in these passages. The engineer can then use this output for specifying compliance requirements. COREQQA is developed using advanced large-scale language models from BERT’s family. COREQQA has been evaluated on four legal documents. The results of this evaluation are briefly presented in the paper. The tool is publicly available on Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6653514)

    NLP-based Automated Compliance Checking of Data Processing Agreements against GDPR

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    Processing personal data is regulated in Europe by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) through data processing agreements (DPAs). Checking the compliance of DPAs contributes to the compliance verification of software systems as DPAs are an important source of requirements for software development involving the processing of personal data. However, manually checking whether a given DPA complies with GDPR is challenging as it requires significant time and effort for understanding and identifying DPA-relevant compliance requirements in GDPR and then verifying these requirements in the DPA. In this paper, we propose an automated solution to check the compliance of a given DPA against GDPR. In close interaction with legal experts, we first built two artifacts: (i) the "shall" requirements extracted from the GDPR provisions relevant to DPA compliance and (ii) a glossary table defining the legal concepts in the requirements. Then, we developed an automated solution that leverages natural language processing (NLP) technologies to check the compliance of a given DPA against these "shall" requirements. Specifically, our approach automatically generates phrasal-level representations for the textual content of the DPA and compares it against predefined representations of the "shall" requirements. Over a dataset of 30 actual DPAs, the approach correctly finds 618 out of 750 genuine violations while raising 76 false violations, and further correctly identifies 524 satisfied requirements. The approach has thus an average precision of 89.1%, a recall of 82.4%, and an accuracy of 84.6%. Compared to a baseline that relies on off-the-shelf NLP tools, our approach provides an average accuracy gain of ~20 percentage points. The accuracy of our approach can be improved to ~94% with limited manual verification effort.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, 10 tables, 1 Algorithm, TS

    AI-enabled Automation for Completeness Checking of Privacy Policies

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    Technological advances in information sharing have raised concerns about data protection. Privacy policies contain privacy-related requirements about how the personal data of individuals will be handled by an organization or a software system (e.g., a web service or an app). In Europe, privacy policies are subject to compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A prerequisite for GDPR compliance checking is to verify whether the content of a privacy policy is complete according to the provisions of GDPR. Incomplete privacy policies might result in large fines on violating organization as well as incomplete privacy-related software specifications. Manual completeness checking is both time-consuming and error-prone. In this paper, we propose AI-based automation for the completeness checking of privacy policies. Through systematic qualitative methods, we first build two artifacts to characterize the privacy-related provisions of GDPR, namely a conceptual model and a set of completeness criteria. Then, we develop an automated solution on top of these artifacts by leveraging a combination of natural language processing and supervised machine learning. Specifically, we identify the GDPR-relevant information content in privacy policies and subsequently check them against the completeness criteria. To evaluate our approach, we collected 234 real privacy policies from the fund industry. Over a set of 48 unseen privacy policies, our approach detected 300 of the total of 334 violations of some completeness criteria correctly, while producing 23 false positives. The approach thus has a precision of 92.9% and recall of 89.8%. Compared to a baseline that applies keyword search only, our approach results in an improvement of 24.5% in precision and 38% in recall

    TAPHSIR: Towards AnaPHoric Ambiguity Detection and ReSolution In Requirements

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    We introduce TAPHSIR -- a tool for anaphoric ambiguity detection and anaphora resolution in requirements. TAPHSIR facilities reviewing the use of pronouns in a requirements specification and revising those pronouns that can lead to misunderstandings during the development process. To this end, TAPHSIR detects the requirements which have potential anaphoric ambiguity and further attempts interpreting anaphora occurrences automatically. TAPHSIR employs a hybrid solution composed of an ambiguity detection solution based on machine learning and an anaphora resolution solution based on a variant of the BERT language model. Given a requirements specification, TAPHSIR decides for each pronoun occurrence in the specification whether the pronoun is ambiguous or unambiguous, and further provides an automatic interpretation for the pronoun. The output generated by TAPHSIR can be easily reviewed and validated by requirements engineers. TAPHSIR is publicly available on Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5902117)

    ML-based Compliance Verification of Data Processing Agreements against GDPR

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    Most current software systems involve processing personal data, an activity that is regulated in Europe by the general data protection regulation (GDPR) through data processing agreements (DPAs). Developing compliant software requires adhering to DPA-related requirements in GDPR. Verifying the compliance of DPAs entirely manually is however time-consuming and error-prone. In this paper, we propose an automation strategy based on machine learning (ML) for checking GDPR compliance in DPAs. Specifically, we create, based on existing work, a comprehensive conceptual model that describes the information types pertinent to DPA compliance. We then develop an automated approach that detects breaches of compliance by predicting the presence of these information types in DPAs. On an evaluation set of 30 real DPAs, our approach detects 483 out of 582 genuine violations while introducing 93 false violations, achieving thereby a precision of 83.9% and recall of 83.0%. We empirically compare our approach against an existing approach which does not employ ML but relies on manually-defined rules. Our results indicate that the two approaches perform on par. Therefore, to select the right solution in a given context, we discuss differentiating factors like the availability of annotated data and legal experts, and adaptation to regulation changes

    AI-based Question Answering Assistance for Analyzing Natural-language Requirements

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    Abstract—By virtue of being prevalently written in natural language (NL), requirements are prone to various defects, e.g., inconsistency and incompleteness. As such, requirements are frequently subject to quality assurance processes. These processes, when carried out entirely manually, are tedious and may further overlook important quality issues due to time and budget pressures. In this paper, we propose QAssist – a question-answering (QA) approach that provides automated assistance to stakeholders, including requirements engineers, during the analysis of NL requirements. Posing a question and getting an instant answer is beneficial in various quality-assurance scenarios, e.g., incompleteness detection. Answering requirements-related questions automatically is challenging since the scope of the search for answers can go beyond the given requirements specification. To that end, QAssist provides support for mining external domain-knowledge resources. Our work is one of the first initiatives to bring together QA and external domain knowledge for addressing requirements engineering challenges. We evaluate QAssist on a dataset covering three application domains and containing a total of 387 question-answer pairs. We experiment with state-of-the-art QA methods, based primarily on recent large-scale language models. In our empirical study, QAssist localizes the answer to a question to three passages within the requirements specification and within the external domain-knowledge resource with an average recall of 90.1% and 96.5%, respectively. QAssist extracts the actual answer to the posed question with an average accuracy of 84.2%. Index Terms—Natural-language Requirements, Question Answering (QA), Language Models, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Natural Language Generation (NLG), BERT, T5

    Automated Handling of Anaphoric Ambiguity in Requirements: A Multi-solution Study

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    Ambiguity is a pervasive issue in natural-language requirements. A common source of ambiguity in requirements is when a pronoun is anaphoric. In requirements engineering, anaphoric ambiguity occurs when a pronoun can plausibly refer to different entities and thus be interpreted differently by different readers. In this paper, we develop an accurate and practical automated approach for handling anaphoric ambiguity in requirements, addressing both ambiguity detection and anaphora interpretation. In view of the multiple competing natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) technologies that one can utilize, we simultaneously pursue six alternative solutions, empirically assessing each using a collection of ~1,350 industrial requirements. The alternative solution strategies that we consider are natural choices induced by the existing technologies; these choices frequently arise in other automation tasks involving natural-language requirements. A side-by-side empirical examination of these choices helps develop insights about the usefulness of different state-of-the-art NLP and ML technologies for addressing requirements engineering problems. For the ambiguity detection task, we observe that supervised ML outperforms both a large-scale language model, SpanBERT (a variant of BERT), as well as a solution assembled from off-the-shelf NLP coreference resolvers. In contrast, for anaphora interpretation, SpanBERT yields the most accurate solution. In our evaluation, (1) the best solution for anaphoric ambiguity detection has an average precision of ~60% and a recall of 100%, and (2) the best solution for anaphora interpretation (resolution) has an average success rate of ~98%

    A Machine Learning-Based Approach for Demarcating Requirements in Textual Specifications

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    A simple but important task during the analysis of a textual requirements specification is to determine which statements in the specification represent requirements. In principle, by following suitable writing and markup conventions, one can provide an immediate and unequivocal demarcation of requirements at the time a specification is being developed. However, neither the presence nor a fully accurate enforcement of such conventions is guaranteed. The result is that, in many practical situations, analysts end up resorting to after-the-fact reviews for sifting requirements from other material in a requirements specification. This is both tedious and time-consuming. We propose an automated approach for demarcating requirements in free-form requirements specifications. The approach, which is based on machine learning, can be applied to a wide variety of specifications in different domains and with different writing styles. We train and evaluate our approach over an independently labeled dataset comprised of 30 industrial requirements specifications. Over this dataset, our approach yields an average precision of 81.2% and an average recall of 95.7%. Compared to simple baselines that demarcate requirements based on the presence of modal verbs and identifiers, our approach leads to an average gain of 16.4% in precision and 25.5% in recall